Kolab Freebusy Documentation

hede kolab983 at der-he.de
Mon Feb 24 15:45:39 CET 2014

Hi List,

is there any documentation how freebusy works in kolab 3.2? 

As far as I can see there is:
 - a configuration file in /etc/kolab-freebusy/ (documentation??)
 - by default it uses local files only and no authentication
 - [httpauth] ... can be added for auth
 - there is no instant generation of freebusy informations
 - there is no smart way of a trigger-based freebusy generation
 - the optional package "kolab-utils" is needed for a cronjob
 - the cronjob runs 4 times an hour, otherwise no data is generated
 - the cronjob creates files in /var/lib/kolab-freebusy/ - which get used
 - the cronjob fills the "Freebusy" folders in imap - which doesn't get used

Is there any documentation about the config-file options?
Any way to use it without the cron job? (Maybe instant generation on access?)
Is it possible to deactivate the useless Freebusy folders in imap but still generate files in /var/lib/kolab-freebusy/?


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