Kolab 3.2 carddav issue

Christian Hügel christian.huegel at stonebyte.de
Thu Feb 20 21:20:24 CET 2014


there seems to be an issue with carddav in kolab 3.2.

I have changed the iRony uri in dav.inc.php to /sync/
$config['base_uri'] = '/sync/';

then changed the http files to match the url:

alias /sync   /usr/share/iRony/public_html

<Directory "/usr/share/iRony/public_html/">
     AllowOverride All
     <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
         # Apache 2.4
         Require all granted
     <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
         # Apache 2.2
         Order Allow,Deny
         Allow from All

     RewriteEngine On
     RewriteBase /sync/
     RewriteRule ^\.well-known/caldav   / [R,L]
     RewriteRule ^\.well-known/carddav  / [R,L]

     RewriteCond  %{REQUEST_FILENAME}  !-f
     RewriteCond  %{REQUEST_FILENAME}  !-d
     RewriteRule  (.*)                 index.php  [qsappend,last]


then changed following lines in /etc/roundcubemail/config.inc.php

$config['calendar_caldav_url']             = 
$config['kolab_addressbook_carddav_url']   = 

Now, when I import some contacts these do not show up. neither when 
browsing the dav directory
But in thunderbird folder Kontakte I can see all previously imported 

Does anybody has a hint how to fix this?

Thank you.


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