Global addressbook access

Sergio Talens-Oliag sto at
Wed Dec 17 19:03:00 CET 2014

Hello all,

I'm testing a kolab installation on a debian wheezy machine to integrate on our
current infrastructure (we are using nginx, dovecot, postfix, openldap and

I have almost all what I want working (I'm not using the kolab-webadmin and
right now I haven't tried to make chwala work, as we don't want to use it) but I
have some doubts that maybe someone can answer me, so my plan is to ask on this
list and share my findings once I have my system working.

Now, my first question, ¿is it possible to share the Global Address Book (the
LDAP based one) through CardDAV and ActiveSync as a standard readonly
addressbook? Our user database is not big and it would be nice to be able to
share the addressbook as a standard one, but it looks that I can't do it right

As far as I've seen iRony allows sharing the GlobalAddress Book using the
CardDAV Directory Gateway Extension, but I've tried to use it from an Android
Client (CardDAV-Sync) and I can't access it (probably it does not implement the
Directory Gateway Extension) , but looking at the code it looks that instead of
the current LDAPDirectory we could provide a LDAPContactsBackend that provides
the required functions to make LDAP behave like a readonly IMAP based address
boot... does it make sense? am I missing something?

At the same time it seems that there is no way to see the LDAP address book from
ActiveSync (I haven't looked at syncotron code, but the roundcube interface to
expose adressbooks only allows me to share IMAP based ones); to solve that
problem and the CardDAV one at the same time I've been thinking about the
possibility of *dumping* the LDAP Global Address book to a shared calendar
automatically (i.e. using the iRony code as a base I could dump the LDAP address
book and syncronize it to an IMAP based Address book that I can share with all
my users)... ¿has anyone done something like that? ¿would it make sense to you?

Thanks in advance for your answers,


Sergio Talens-Oliag <sto at>               <>
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