ActiveSync setup

Schorer, Friedemann friedemann at
Wed Dec 3 00:07:26 CET 2014


Hi Torsten 

Thanks for patiently helping :-D 

In the meantime I figured out the problem with the wrong credentials was
due to a parallel installation of Tine2.0 on a different vhost, but
Debian/Ubuntu changed the way of handling includes since I last looked
into it, and thus I didn't realise Tine2.0 was the culprit. 

After disabling Tine2.0 config I bumped into a different problem: The
testing URL wasn't available at all. 

After uncommenting the ScriptAlias in
/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/kolab-syncroton.conf the 404 vanished,
leaving me with a blank page as the result of broswing to
https://domain.tld/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync - no asking for
credentials, just the blank page, not one byte in it. 

Looking into apache error log I found this: 

> [Tue Dec 02 23:36:39.828315 2014] [:error] [pid 24635] [client] PHP Fatal error: Class 'Zend_Log' not found in /usr/share/kolab-syncroton/lib/kolab_sync_logger.php on line 29

Searching the web for a solution I found some mailing list post that
recommended editing /usr/share/kolab-syncroton/lib/init.php and
extending the $include_path by inserting this line: 

> $include_path .= '/usr/share/php/libzend-framework-php' . PATH_SEPARATOR;

Now the include section read like this: 

> // Define include path
> $include_path = RCUBE_INSTALL_PATH . 'lib' . PATH_SEPARATOR;
> $include_path .= RCUBE_INSTALL_PATH . 'lib/ext' . PATH_SEPARATOR;
> $include_path .= ini_get('include_path');
> $include_path .= '/usr/share/php/libzend-framework-php' . PATH_SEPARATOR;
> set_include_path($include_path);

But it didn't change a thing :-/ 

After enabling logging the way you told: 

> You would edit /etc/roundcubemail/ and add/change these entries 
> there:
> $config['debug_level'] = 5;
> $config['activesync_debug'] = 1;

I still get the very same error, now displayed on the formerly blank
page AND in the logs of apache2 and syncroton :-( But nothing else. 

Any hints on how to improve the situation? 

Kind regards, 


I respect your position, Professor. I just don't share it. 
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