Cannot Create New User Account on New Install

Foster, Nate nate.foster at
Fri Apr 25 02:30:10 CEST 2014

Hi All,

I'm a newbie to the mailing list.  Please excuse me if I'm in the wrong 

I'm having a problem with a fresh install of Kolab 3.2.  It is installed 
on Debian Wheezy.  The install went smoothly as well as "setup-kolab".

The problem I'm running into is when I go to create a user in the 
kolab-webadmin panel.  Every time I create the user I get "Email address 
'foster at company.lan' not in local domain" when I hit the submit button.  
The only way that I've been able to create a user thus far has been to 
directly create the user in LDAP.

I've been searching google to try and find a solution.  This post on the 
mailing list sounds almost identical to my problem.

When I edit 
/usr/share/kolab-webadmin/lib/api/kolab_api_service_form_value.php  the 
line number they reference is slightly different on my install.  I am 
finding the line number they reference as 1117 to be 1137.  When I 
comment that line out, I still get the same error.

I've also set admin_auto_fields_rw = true in my kolab.conf file so that 
I could try various permutations of the email address, yet nothing would 

If anyone has any suggestions I would be grateful for the assistance.



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