Kolab 3 integration with Windows Active Directory

Mat Cantin mat at cantinbrothers.ca
Thu Apr 24 19:36:37 CEST 2014


I believe what you're looking for is the LSC Project 
[http://lsc-project.org/]. It is a piece of software that can sit 
between OpenLDAP (Kolab's authentication back-end) and AD to facilitate 
the authentication and user creation without needing any configuration 
changes on the OpenLDAP and AD servers.

I was working on setting this up myself about a year ago, and got very 
close to a working system when my project got sidelined. I will be 
getting back to it soon though.

As I recall, there was someone on the LSC mailing list that had posted a 
working configuration between OpenLDAP and Active Directory.


On 2014-03-27 2:36, BLAŽEK Michal wrote:
> Hello,
> is there any possibility of authentification Kolab 3.1 to Active
> Directory? Especially we would like to use LDAP with Kolab instance -
> only for password authentication for users container we would like to
> use active direcotory - because we use it as a main instance.
> All users we will create via bash script (same as for deleting
> account). We would like to use independet console (mean web-kolab to
> use) for user accounts managment.
> We make any experiments with ds-386 tuning - but without success. I
> have any experience with kolab 3.1 in multi-domain configuration.
> So I would like to ask for any idea or referencies if You have.
> --
> S pozdravem
> Michal Blažek
> Nemocnice Kyjov, příspěvková organizace
> Oddělení IT
> Strážovská 1247
> 697 33 Kyjov
> blazek.michal at nemkyj.cz
> mobil: 724 461 916
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