SMTP/Rouncube problem

Chloé Desoutter chloe.desoutter at
Fri Apr 11 13:58:50 CEST 2014

Le 11/04/2014 09:40, Peter Bjerg Olesen a écrit :
> I did the setup of Kolab without any issue on Debian stable (7.4), but 
> I am unable to send mails from Roundcube.
> I get the error: SMTP Error (454): Authentication failed.
> I haven't been able to locate the specific problem and I haven't been 
> able to find a solution online.
> Can somebody please advise me on problem solving?
Hi Peter,

Are your SSL certificates generated? Are they accessible by the postfix 
user ? (is postfix in the proper group to access the private SSL key). 
Check whether the postfix user has access to its private key. Best 
option is su postfix -c /bin/bash and then try to cat it. It costs 
nothing to do the same with cyrus, which often has such problems aswell.

Is kolab-saslauthd running? saslauthd (not kolab's) *shouldn't *be 
running. It will cause trouble.

Yours sincerely

Chloé Desoutter
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