Backup not showing Files and Contacts

Crummy, John john.crummy at
Mon Apr 7 02:20:03 CEST 2014

Hello all,

I've been trying to migrate my kolab setup to a new server, and 
everything has worked as expected except for the Files and Contacts imap 
folders for all users, neither of which show any content. A quick 
inspection of the imap folders in /var/spool/imap shows that the 
contacts/files are there (as 1., 2., etc.), however as soon as the 
folder is accessed cyrus.index is modified by the system, and 
cyrus.annotations is added, which didn't exist before. I thought this 
might a bad index as a result of the using the backup tar file, so (as 
cyrus), I ran:

/usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/reconstruct -rf user/john.crummy/Files at

However this doesn't seem to index the files that are there. I have also 
tried with -x option, as well as deleting all of the cyrus.something 
files, and then doing the reconstruction, but it makes no difference.

All of the emails and Calendar entries have migrated correctly, it seems 
to be just the Contacts and Files.

I've run out of ideas to fix this, would any else know of anything to 

Thank you in advance!


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