Upgrade Procedure from 2.4 to 3.0 on the Same Server

Chloé Desoutter chloe.desoutter at atasta.net
Wed May 22 12:56:01 CEST 2013

Le 22/05/2013 12:48, Isaac Aaron a écrit :
> Hello
> Googling for an upgrade procedure from 2.4 to 3.0 on the same server only lead my to the two-machine migration howto. That didn't feel right to me. Apart from z-push, the daemons from 2.4 all exist on 3.0 and I felt it should be worth a try to upgrade a live system from 2.4 to 3.0. I have put together a recipe for upgrading Kolab 2.4 to 3.0:

Hello Isaac,

We've been doing it like this. No warranty whatsoever but it worked for 
us several times. It's not optimal or optimized, but it's pretty much OK :

* save your LDAP tree *
* save your mailboxen *

mkdir -p kolab3
cd kolab3
rpm -Uvh 
yum -y install vim wget screen
yum localinstall --nogpgcheck 
yum install kolab
yum remove $(yum list installed | grep kolab-2.4 | grep php | awk 
'{print $1}')
yum install kolab-webclient kolab-webadmin kolab-cli kolab-imap 
kolab-mta kolab-server

Apply our Wallace patches (they're available on the list) to avoid nasty 
bugs that occur randomly with the Resources plug-in. This way Resources 
are disabled and you can reenable them later on when this is stabilized.

One problem we encounter then is Roundcube. The 2.4 parameters are all 
but OK for 3.0. Our solution is to modify setup-kolab and to replace the 
execute() function of each module in 
/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pykolab/setup EXCEPT for setup_mysql.py 
and setup_roundcube.py
The simplest way to do it is to add
return False
just below def initialize():

Then you can run setup-kolab. Only the MySQL and Roundcube will be 
executed. I wish setup-kolab was more modular, but heh...

Then, reboot.

This migration path has been doing pretty much OK for us. Don't hesitate 
to provide feedback.

Yours sincerely,
Chloé Desoutter
Directrice de production, ATASTA NET

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