Mail being dropped undelivered after postfix

Torsten Grote grote at
Thu May 16 16:25:05 CEST 2013

On Wednesday 15 May 2013 21:19:09 Eric B Munson wrote:
> :/ that is a sad thing to lose, but I can't be sure other mail isn't 
> being dropped with wallace enabled.  I came across bug 1627 in the kolab 
> bugzilla and I wonder if it is related.

If you manage to catch a copy of the problematic email could you please attach 
it to a new issue report on ?

This would be very much appreciated and would allow us to fix wallace once and 
for all.

Kind Regards,

Torsten Grote, Kolab Evangelist

Kolab Systems AG, Zürich, Switzerland

e: grote at
t: +41 43 501 66 91

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