Mail being dropped undelivered after postfix

Eric B Munson emunson at
Thu May 16 03:19:09 CEST 2013

On 5/15/2013 9:11 PM, Kolab Users wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> Wallace is a content filter which is enabled by default in Kolab3 
> (together with amavisd). Most of the time they don't cause problems.
> You'd want it enabled if you don't have external tools that do the 
> email filtering for you. If you do, just disable them.
>> FWIW, wallace is the culprit here, if I disable wallace the emails come
>> through.
>> What does wallace do and why should I want it enabled?
>> Thanks,
>> Eric

:/ that is a sad thing to lose, but I can't be sure other mail isn't 
being dropped with wallace enabled.  I came across bug 1627 in the kolab 
bugzilla and I wonder if it is related.


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