adressbook setings in Kontact/Kmail

Troy Carpenter troy at
Mon May 6 22:30:12 CEST 2013

Following the advice in another thread, I switched my query as follows:

ldapsearch -h -D "uid=troy,ou=People,dc=carpenter,dc=cx"
-w xxxxxx -b "ou=People,dc=carpenter,dc=cx" objectClass=person

That query on my client PC returned all the user records as expected.
However, Kontact still isn't satisfied and gives a popup that says "invalid
authorization information, do you want to retry?".  When I click "retry",
I'm given the LDAP login screen, asking for Username and Password.  I have
tried my UID as the username with my password, as well as
"uid=troy,ou=People,dc=carpenter,dc=cx" (both with and without quotes) to no
avail.  The is site listed is ldap://, which looks
correct to me.

I also don't see an entry for the LDAP server anywhere in Kontact, nor in
any of the KDE config files, so I can't confirm exactly how the account
wizard set things up.


-----Original Message-----
From: Troy Carpenter [mailto:troy at] 
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2013 3:17 PM
To: 'kolab-users at'
Subject: RE: adressbook setings in Kontact/Kmail

Getting back around to this...

Using ldapsearch on my client machine, I have two results depending on who I
use to perform the query:

This command will give me a list of every user on the system:
"ldapsearch -h -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w xxxxxx -b
"ou=People,dc=carpenter,dc=cx" objectClass=person"

This command gives me an error "ldap_bind: No such object (32)":
"ldapsearch -h -D "cn=Troy Carpenter" -w xxxxxx -b
"ou=People,dc=carpenter,dc=cx" objectClass=person"

The cn I am using in the second command comes straight out of the entry
printed from the first query.  I'm guessing there is a permission problem
somehow.  I am not an LDAP expert, so I definitely need some guidance.


-----Original Message-----
From: kolab-users-bounces at [mailto:kolab-users-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Henne Holly
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 8:30 AM
To: kolab-users at
Subject: Re: adressbook setings in Kontact/Kmail


Have you tried an manual ldapsearch from your client computer to make sure
it's not a permission problem of your ldap server?


Am 23.04.2013 13:49, schrieb Troy Carpenter:
> On Thursday, April 18, 2013 07:57:20 PM Thomas Spuhler wrote:
>> >Has anybody been able to setup the address book (ldap) settings in
> Apparently I have not.  I am running Kontact 4.10.2 and used the 
> Account Wizard to add my Kolab account.  Unfortunately, every time I 
> try to add a recipient to an email, the LDAP login screen pops up.
> When I try to add my account information to the LDAP login screen, I 
> get a message that says "Invalid authorization information".
> I have to cancel the screen, then it will search my personal address 
> books to match the name I am typing.

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