Roundcube interface questions.

Bruce Marriner bruce+kolab at
Thu Mar 21 16:13:21 CET 2013

I'm sorry if this is documented someplace and I've missed it.  But I 
have two roundcube interface questions.

One, on the e-mail page there's a filter drop down with Priority 
selections.  I've read online (sparsely) that I should be able to set 
the "Priority" of e-mail messages with a Priority icon but I cannot seem 
to find anywhere to do this.  How do I set the priority or is the drop 
down selection only relevant for e-mails sent to me with a client that 
supports setting the priority?

Two, All of the folders by default seem to be in "Threads" mode.  If I 
open Settings => Folders then select any folder and change the List view 
mode from "Threads" to "List" when I click the "Save" icon it just 
reverts back to "Threads".

For most folders Threads is nice but for my Inbox it causes new 
messages to be displayed much further down the list and I prefer them to 
be display at the top :).

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