Issues with connecting clients

Andrew Wafaa andrew at
Tue Jul 9 13:45:32 CEST 2013

On 04-07-2013 11:11, Andrew Wafaa wrote:
> Hi,
> So far everything seems to be working well via the web interface. The
> problems I'm having is with connecting desktop/mobile clients to my
> Kolab instance. I can setup the accounts using IMAP/SMTP but when it
> comes to viewing all I get is an empty view. I have tried evolution
> 3.8.3 on the desktop and K9 and default email app on Android. I've not
> been able to set up a connection via Activesync on Android, but I'll 
> add
> that issue to the existing thread.
> Is there some setting I need to enable on the server?

I've managed to resolve my issue, and it appears that there is some 
inconsistency with login credentials.

When accessing via the browser I use the UUID/password pair, which is 
what I was trying with the IMAP clients, this would log me in but would 
show an empty folder list, and no matter what client I used to query the 
server for folders it would show nothing. The working credentials are 
actually my full at address/password pair. Is there a 
particular reason why I need to use my full email address and not UUID, 
or why does one work but not the other yet it's fine via the web?



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