SV: Problems with Sieve/filters in roundcube

Simon Forsell simon at
Thu Jul 4 23:12:46 CEST 2013



Been playing around a bit with this, it seems like the sieve rules only
applies to the primary address, is it possible to get the other addresses
aswell to work for this? 


There is no output what I see in /var/log/roundcube, if I grep for my
message it doesn’t show


Any help would be greatly appreciated




Från: kolab-users-bounces at [mailto:kolab-users-bounces at]
För Simon Forsell
Skickat: den 4 juli 2013 14:38
Till: kolab-users at
Ämne: Problems with Sieve/filters in roundcube




I am setting up a kolab testserver, soon to go production if all falls out


I have a small problem with auto respond, when setting it in roundcube some
accounts works very well (filter and setting a respond) and some accounts
doesn’t send anything. Those account can still use some filters, ie move to
another folder etc
.but not autorespond. What can I do to correct this?


Best regards



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