ActiveSync credential separation and disabled users

Onno Hensgen onno.hensgen at
Sat Feb 9 02:04:36 CET 2013

> Said IMAP frontend(s) - you would hit these specifically from the 
> ActiveSync web-servers only - can use a different LDAP attribute (than 
> userPassword) using a fast_bind(), or not use LDAP at all (and instead 
> do sasldb2, or SQL, or ...). Frontends connect to IMAP backends using 
> proxy authorization, and so no user credentials are required further 
> down the line.

I'm having trouble adding an attribute to the 99kolab2.ldif schema in 'dirsrv/slapd-mail/schema'.
I added an attribute:

attributeTypes: (
  NAME 'externalImapAllowed'
  DESC 'User is allowed to use imap/smtp from outside the company'
  EQUALITY booleanMatch

And i modified the kolabinetorgperson:

objectClasses: (
  NAME 'kolabInetOrgPerson'
  kolabAllowSMTPSender $
  kolabDeleteflag $
  externalImapAllowed ) )

When I now try to modify the new attribute, I get the following error:

modifying entry "uid=doe,ou=People,dc=aquaduna,dc=com"
ldap_modify: Object class violation (65)
	additional info: attribute "alias" not allowed

I'm a bit confused why it complains about the 'alias' now. Without my modification, I can modify attributes... Is that the right place for my modifications?

> An alternative approach (I'm not a fan of) is to use proxy 
> authorization right from the start - this would avoid the need to proxy 
> the IMAP connection, as well as avoid the need to run a Cyrus IMAP 
> Murder topology, but makes a compromise in that of course, for 
> day-to-day individual user's operations the use of administrative 
> credentials should be avoided.

I'm wondering if I understood your suggestion right, but I'm not sure if I got the 'proxy authentication part' right:

I realized a nginx mail proxy which authenticates the user against the ldap directory (using imap with ssl).
The proxy than forwards to the real imap server (plain, no ssl/tls, nginx seems to not support ssl/tls for the backend). So the user is authenticated with his own credentials again.
Does that setup implement what you said would be good practice (your first suggestion) or am I getting something wrong?

And I had to set allowplaintext to 'yes' in the imapd.conf to make nginx work. I won't open the 'real' cyrus-imap ports to the outside world, only the proxy, and proxy and mailserver are on the same machine. Are there any security concerns about that?

BTW: I'm documenting all my steps and if someone's interested, I would be glad to publish it.

Thanks for your hints,

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