Multi Domain Setup Kolab 3.1

Timotheus Pokorra timotheus at
Tue Dec 17 20:51:39 CET 2013


> Next I edited a User of domain1.tld and added user1 at domain2.tld as secondary
> email adress.
> When I try to save the changes Kolab shows up an error: Alias
> 'user1 at domain2.tld' must be configured manually for 'user1 at domain1.tld'.
> Does anybody have a solution?
In a normal Kolab setup, the alias domain would work fine.

I assume you are using the TBits multi domain scripts. (error message
In the scenario where there is no hard coded domain in the postfix
files but search_base = dc=%2,dc=%1 instead, you need to modify the
aliases manually, otherwise the emails are not delivered properly.
Have a look here:
The file that you need to modify is: /etc/postfix/
If you add one line like this:
@domain1.tld @domain2.tld
You should be fine for all other aliases in that scenario.

Please let me know if you run into problems, I have not put it into
production at TBits yet.
I have created a test here:

I hope this helps,

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