kolab 3 upgrade from 2

Mihai Badici mihai at badici.ro
Tue Apr 30 11:03:04 CEST 2013

I just use something like (on openldap directory):
ldapsearch -x -W -D "cn=manager,o=example,c=ro" > all.ldif

followed by 
ldapadd  -c   ....... -f all.ldif

Should work on any ldap server with minor changes.  You can add some filter to 
export only users and groups.

On Tuesday, April 30, 2013 10:39:06 AM Gábor István wrote:

Hi all,
I tried to upgrade my kolab installation to the new version. I used the 
official howto to the upgrade. But the must important section "Migration of 
LDAP" is not ready. So I can't my users passwords,names etc upgrade. I tried 
to find a script, program. But I can't found it. 
So. When will ready the doc or somebody develop some ldap upgrade tool?

Tisztelettel Gábor István

Mihai Badici
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