ActiveSync and multiple Addressbooks/Calendars

Aleksander Machniak machniak at
Thu Apr 25 16:36:22 CEST 2013

On 04/25/2013 04:15 PM, Henne Holly wrote:
> in the ActiveSync settings in roundcube I can mark multiple 
> calendars/addressbooks for syncing. But my activesync client knows 
> nothing about different calendars, right?

Some devices support many folders.

> So ActiveSync pulls every calendar, marked for syncing in roundcube, to 
> one single calendar on my mobile device. If I create a new item there, 
> where does it get stored?

In the first folder on the list. Folders marked as default have got a
higher prio.

Is there a way to put it in a specific calendar?

Only by changing default folder. It's not possible to do this on object

Aleksander Machniak
Software Developer
Kolab Systems AG:
PGP: 19359DC1

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