viewed status synchronisation with iPhone

Rob Arends rob at
Fri Apr 5 15:33:45 CEST 2013

Hi Aleksander,

>> After adding a new line to the file as you describe, I had
>> create the file for Apache to write to it, and restart httpd.
> That shouldn't be needed.

Possibly, I saw the file was not there and assumed I needed to create it.
My Bad.

>> This is the log file with some attempts the mark the email read/unread in
>> both directions and to flag/unflag in both directions.
> There are only device -> server read/unread state change requests. 

Yes there is only one device (iPhone).
If you mean there is only one request in all the log.... do you want a
better log with step by step notes of what was done on the iPhone &

> What kolab-syncroton version are you using?

I see in :
    const VERSION = "2.0";

Apart from that I followed the instructions to install using 'yum install
kolab' on CentOS6.4
So what ever came in that package.
Is there a better way to locate the version?

Thanks, Rob.

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