Kolab 3.0 on Centos 6.2

Torsten Grote grote at kolabsys.com
Tue Sep 11 09:38:29 CEST 2012

On Monday 10 September 2012 22:09:18 Nazeer wrote:
> I installed Kolab on Centos following this guide
> https://www.kolab.org/blog/grote/2012/07/18/kolab-3.0-pre-alpha-release-and- 

This is only the quick installation guide. Please make sure you followed the 
extensive documentation at


including "Preparing the System".

> I can log in fine now, however, I cannot see the add user button (the exact
> same problem I have when I installed 2.4). is this because im using CentOS
> 6.2 instead of 6.3?

Please check section '1.2. SELinux' of the above documentation. This might be 
a SELinux issue.


Torsten Grote, Kolab Evangelist

Kolab Systems AG, Zürich, Switzerland

e: grote at kolabsys.com
t: +41 43 501 66 91
w: http://kolabsys.com

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