Kolab 3.0 on Ubuntu 10.04LTS

Torsten Grote grote at kolabsys.com
Mon Sep 3 11:59:19 CEST 2012

Hi Nazeer,

On Sunday 02 September 2012 15:32:04 Nazeer wrote:
> Could I possibly get the source files to compile it on Kolab 3.0

Have you checked this?


There you'll find a link to the source code repositories in the right sidebar. 
It is:


> I wouldn't mind creating documentation for that.

That'd be aweseome. Also nice would be packaging for Ubuntu. Debian packages 
are ready for testing and need some fixes. If those work, Ubuntu packages are 
not far off.

> I have always been compiling previous version on Ubuntu platforms,
> specifically 8.04LTS and 10.04 LTS. The first time version 3.0 was seen,
> there were source files and I managed to compile it on version 10.04 as
> well but I cannot find those files anymore

Where have you found those source files before?


Torsten Grote, Kolab Evangelist

Kolab Systems AG, Zürich, Switzerland

e: grote at kolabsys.com
t: +41 43 501 66 91
w: http://kolabsys.com

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