Howto recover Cyrus annotation DB

Gelpi Andrea liste at
Mon Oct 15 12:49:07 CEST 2012

	since some days ago the command to backup annotation DB return an error:

/kolab/bin/cvt_cyrusdb -C /kolab/etc/imapd/imapd.conf 
/kolab/var/imapd/annotations.db skiplist 
/kolab/var/imapd/annotations.backup.db flat
Converting from /kolab/var/imapd/annotations.db (skiplist) to 
/kolab/var/imapd/annotations.backup.db (flat)
fatal error: failed to mmap /kolab/var/imapd/annotations.backup.db.NEW file

Every days in cyr_db.log I found:

Oct 15 00:00:13 securemail <notice> ctl_cyrusdb[2404]: recovering cyrus 
Oct 15 00:00:13 securemail <info> ctl_cyrusdb[2404]: skiplist: 
checkpointed /kolab/var/imapd/mailboxes.db (1876 records, 212356 bytes) 
in 0 seconds
Oct 15 00:00:13 securemail <info> ctl_cyrusdb[2404]: skiplist: 
checkpointed /kolab/var/imapd/annotations.db (585 records, 83164 bytes) 
in 0 seconds
Oct 15 00:00:13 securemail <notice> ctl_cyrusdb[2404]: done recovering 
cyrus databases
Oct 15 00:00:13 securemail <notice> ctl_cyrusdb[2563]: checkpointing 
cyrus databases

I'm a bit confuse about what problem I have.
Is the annotation DB corrupt or no?

If it is corrupted how can I repair it?

Searching a solution I found some messages relate to kolab, but old 
(2006), but non solution.

At this link

there is a solution, but it means to stop the service for too long.
At the moment /koab/var/imapd/spool has quite 80 Gbyte mails.

I also found validate-skiplist.c by Wilde but I don't know how to 
compile and it seems to be an old version. Is it still valid with 
current cyrus installation?

ing. Andrea Gelpi
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ma la abbiamo presa in prestito dai nostri bambini.
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