syncroton and roundcube 0.9

Aleksander Machniak machniak at
Fri Oct 12 13:13:55 CEST 2012

On 10/12/2012 01:04 PM, Mihai Badici wrote:
>>> [11-Oct-2012 22:31:58 +0300]: [D25C] S: * METADATA INBOX
>>> (/private/vendor/kolab/activesync {"DEVICE":{"SAMSUNG1357332043354261":
>>> {"ID":"82733aaca58e731d8f3d81c137c9cb4956295086","TYPE":"SAMSUNGGTS5660",
>>> "ALIAS":null}}})

/vendor/kolab/activesync annotation is used only in private scope. As
you see above there's a response with "DEVICE", so it was set at some
point. Maybe because of the wrong formatting of the response (I was
pointing previously), the annotation has been overwritten at some point
with the value without "DEVICE".

Aleksander Machniak
Web Developer, Kolab Systems AG
PGP:19359DC1 - -

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