Kolab Web 3 and UID

Jeroen van Meeuwen (Kolab Systems) vanmeeuwen at kolabsys.com
Sat Nov 24 13:52:38 CET 2012

On 2012-11-23 21:40, Scott Newton wrote:
> Hi
> I've got Kolab 3 up and running on Debian Wheezy and am currently 
> setting up
> the users before migrating the imap data across from Kolab 2.4 and 
> this was
> where I hit an issue.
> When you create a user the UID is automatically assigned to be the 
> surname and
> this is the name that is used to log into Roundcube.

Roundcube, by default, with the courtesy of the kolab_auth plugin, 
should actually allow the user to log in with;

- the uid ('doe')
- the primary email address ('john.doe at example.org') or only the local 
part ('john.doe')
- the secondary email address(es) ('jdoe at example.org', 
'doe at example.org') or only the local part ('jdoe', 'doe')

> If you edit the surname the UID changes. Is there anyway to decouple
> these two. I have existing users who would like to be able to login
> to Roundcube using their current user names.

If you set "auto_fields_admin_rw = true" in the kolab_wap section of 
/etc/kolab/kolab.conf, while the value would still be automatically 
generated, you would at least be able to supply different values. See 
also [1].

For email addresses, I would like to refer you to [2].

Kind regards,

Jeroen van Meeuwen


Systems Architect, Kolab Systems AG

e: vanmeeuwen at kolabsys.com
m: +44 74 2516 3817
w: http://www.kolabsys.com

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