Kolab-syncrotron calendar sync not working !

Franz Skale i.bin at dah.am
Wed Nov 21 21:50:28 CET 2012

calendar sync with my iphone is not working.
Although the entry is in the database, it is not sync via activesync.
Neither push nor pull works at the moment.
I have mysql logging turned on, but i don't see the entries to be synched.

I did the following on the iphone:
PUSH->Sync every 15m
Default Calendar: ALL Kolab 3.0 Calendars
I see the ics files in the spool, so they are created.
I cannot tell what is the difference between calendar and personal calendar.
Whatever method i use (creating on the phone or in roundcube) no entry
has been synced.
Perhaps kolab_cache ?
This is the entry in mysql.log:
VALUES ('2', now(), now(),
'ABA30F2DE5C2E8250001F4AE533EC68B-9D242C266CE13B2F', '2012-11-25
12:00:00', '2012-11-25 13:00:00', '1', '', 'Sonntag', 'Sonntag',
'ATHOME', '', '1', '0', '1', '', '', NULL)
       SET   changed=now() , `start`='2012-11-25 12:00:00',
`end`='2012-11-25 13:00:00', `all_day`='1', `title`='Sonntag',
`description`='Sonntag', `location`='ATHOME', `categories`='',
`free_busy`='1', `priority`='0', `sensitivity`='1', `attendees`='',
       SET   changed=now() , `start`='2012-11-25 12:00:00',
`end`='2012-11-25 13:00:00', `all_day`='1', `title`='Sonntag',
`description`='Sonntag', `location`='ATHOME', `categories`='',
`free_busy`='1', `priority`='0', `sensitivity`='0', `attendees`='',



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