Newbie needs some help

Tim Streit ledoktre at
Tue Nov 13 06:21:00 CET 2012


I am new to the wonderful world of Kolab.  I had just previously been 
using Zarafa, and decided that I wanted to try out something hopefully 
more efficient and also less Outlook-centric.

I debated with whether to install 2.4.x or 3.0.x, and after reading a 
post on your blog about how the centos version is pretty much polished, 
just waiting on the debian packages, I decided to give 3.0.x a go.

Installation went smoothly.  Couple things seemed to pop up afterwards.

1) Within the kolab-webadmin interface, I saw my primary domain, and 
decided to add the other domains that I wanted on this system.  I added 
1, then another, and "got wise", and decided to add the last 3 in one 
time.  I ended up with 1 domain and I believe two aliases. That was of 
course not my intention as all of my domains are to be independent and 
separate of eachother.  I tried to use the trash can and delete two of 
them and save it.  Internal Error.  I tried then just to delete the 
whole domain (including the alias domains). Internal Error.  How the 
devil do you remove them?

2) Also within the kolab-webadmin.  When I log out and back in, I can 
see each domain listed (except for the aliases above) by clicking on the 
domain by the logout screen.  I thought, great, this is how I can switch 
to that domains configuration.  I created a test user and saved it.  But 
where did it go??? It was only visible by selecting my main domain.  Why?

3) As an extention of 2 above, the primary email created for the test 
user was utilizing the domain that I first installed when setting up 
kolab.  That is not the behaviour that I wanted, as each domain is to be 
separate of eachother.  Independent.

4) I can't seem to specify my primary email address?  It puts it as 
firstname.lastname, which is not what I want their email to be.  Am I 
doing something wrong?  Any other system that I've used, you just 
specify their email address, and you're done.

5) I was looking over the postfix configuration.  Am I understanding it 
is intended that email sent from  an MUA is to use the submission port 
(587)?    I'd like to get a better handle on the mailflow within Postfix 
as I would like to disable the spam filtering capability since I use a 
hosted anti-spam option.  When the dust settles, I only want POP3 and 
IMAP available to the outside world on SSL (non-SSL is fine for 
Roundcube and is firewalled to the world), and SMTP on 25 (for 
communication with other servers), 587 (TLS) and 465 (SSL).

6) Any one care to comment on how owncloud is setup?  I have already 
enabled the plugin and when I click onto the icon, it displays a login 
page.  Does anyone have the magic worked out for single-signon?  Anyone 
care to comment on if you use the LDAP plugin in owncloud, and if so, 
what was your recipe?

Thanks guys.  I hope that I don't overwhelm you with questions.  I know 
how I want to do things, I am just swimming a bit in this new system.


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