No add users button
ml at
Sun May 13 16:39:41 CEST 2012
Op zondag 13 mei 2012 16:25:03 schreef Richard:
> Op zondag 13 mei 2012 15:59:01 schreef Jeroen van Meeuwen (Kolab Systems):
> > Are you running on a i386 / 32-bit by any chance?
> No, it's a 64bit system. But the binary that is looked for is located in
> /usr/lib (as your patch looking for).
Please forget this remark. ldapsearch is located in /usr/lib64.
When console is uncommented the output is:
[13-May-2012 16:31:05 +0200](84bi4rr9ecutsqgudthje4s766): Executing command
/usr/lib64/mozldap/ldapsearch -x -h localhost -p 389 -b dc=radoeka,dc=nl -D
"cn=Directory Manager" -w "secret" -J
" Manager"
"(entrydn=ou=Groups,dc=radoeka,dc=nl)" "*"
[13-May-2012 16:31:05 +0200](84bi4rr9ecutsqgudthje4s766): Output;
array (
Return code: 126
[13-May-2012 16:31:05 +0200](84bi4rr9ecutsqgudthje4s766): Executing command
/usr/lib64/mozldap/ldapsearch -x -h localhost -p 389 -b dc=radoeka,dc=nl -D
"cn=Directory Manager" -w "secret" -J
" Manager"
"(entrydn=ou=People,dc=radoeka,dc=nl)" "*"
[13-May-2012 16:31:05 +0200](84bi4rr9ecutsqgudthje4s766): Output;
array (
Return code: 126
[13-May-2012 16:31:07 +0200]: Calling method list on service users
[richard at cedar ~]$ /usr/lib64/mozldap/ldapsearch -x -h localhost -p 389 -b
dc=radoeka,dc=nl -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w "secret" -J
" Manager"
"(entrydn=ou=Groups,dc=radoeka,dc=nl)" "*"
version: 1
dn: ou=Groups,dc=radoeka,dc=nl
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalunit
ou: Groups
entryLevelRights: vadn
attributeLevelRights: objectClass:rscwo, aci:rscwo, ou:rscwo, businessCategory
:rscwo, description:rscwo, destinationIndicator:rscwo, facsimileTelephoneNum
ber:rscwo, internationalISDNNumber:rscwo, l:rscwo, physicalDeliveryOfficeNam
e:rscwo, postalAddress:rscwo, postalCode:rscwo, postOfficeBox:rscwo, preferr
edDeliveryMethod:rscwo, registeredAddress:rscwo, searchGuide:rscwo, seeAlso:
rscwo, st:rscwo, street:rscwo, telephoneNumber:rscwo, teletexTerminalIdentif
ier:rscwo, telexNumber:rscwo, userPassword:rscwo, x121Address:rscwo
# /usr/lib64/mozldap/ldapsearch -x -h localhost -p 389 -b dc=radoeka,dc=nl -D
"cn=Directory Manager" -w "secret" -J
" Manager"
"(entrydn=ou=People,dc=radoeka,dc=nl)" "*"
version: 1
dn: ou=People,dc=radoeka,dc=nl
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalunit
ou: People
aci: (targetattr ="userpassword || telephonenumber || facsimiletelephonenumber
")(version 3.0;acl "Allow self entry modification";allow (write)(userdn = "l
aci: (targetattr !="cn || sn || uid")(targetfilter ="(ou=Accounting)")(version
3.0;acl "Accounting Managers Group Permissions";allow (write)(groupdn = "ld
ap:///cn=Accounting Managers,ou=groups,dc=radoeka,dc=nl");)
aci: (targetattr !="cn || sn || uid")(targetfilter ="(ou=Human Resources)")(ve
rsion 3.0;acl "HR Group Permissions";allow (write)(groupdn = "ldap:///cn=HR
aci: (targetattr !="cn ||sn || uid")(targetfilter ="(ou=Product Testing)")(ver
sion 3.0;acl "QA Group Permissions";allow (write)(groupdn = "ldap:///cn=QA M
aci: (targetattr !="cn || sn || uid")(targetfilter ="(ou=Product Development)"
)(version 3.0;acl "Engineering Group Permissions";allow (write)(groupdn = "l
dap:///cn=PD Managers,ou=groups,dc=radoeka,dc=nl");)
entryLevelRights: vadn
attributeLevelRights: objectClass:rscwo, aci:rscwo, ou:rscwo, businessCategory
:rscwo, description:rscwo, destinationIndicator:rscwo, facsimileTelephoneNum
ber:rscwo, internationalISDNNumber:rscwo, l:rscwo, physicalDeliveryOfficeNam
e:rscwo, postalAddress:rscwo, postalCode:rscwo, postOfficeBox:rscwo, preferr
edDeliveryMethod:rscwo, registeredAddress:rscwo, searchGuide:rscwo, seeAlso:
rscwo, st:rscwo, street:rscwo, telephoneNumber:rscwo, teletexTerminalIdentif
ier:rscwo, telexNumber:rscwo, userPassword:rscwo, x121Address:rscwo
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