Kolab Intermediate 2.4 Release

Jeroen van Meeuwen (Kolab Systems) vanmeeuwen at kolabsys.com
Wed May 9 17:57:52 CEST 2012

On 2012-05-09 16:46, Heiner Markert wrote:
> That worked, thank you!
> Maybe I just do not see the option, but when I log into the admin
> interface and select "Users", I do not see any possibility to 
> actually
> add a user...
> All I can do is search for existing users, configure the search,
> reset the search, switch to "Groups" or "About" view, and log out.
> The apache error log states
> sh: /usr/lib64/mozldap/ldapsearch: Permission denied
> when logging into the web interface or when opening the
> "Groups"-panel, but no errors appear when loading the "Users" panel.

Permission denied - is SELinux set to enforce the targeted policy by 
any change?

The mozldap/ldapsearch tool is used (because PHP LDAP is lacking 
support for the getEffectiveRights() control) to determine whether the 
logged in user is allowed to create/delete entries from the user and 
group base_dn.

Kind regards,

Jeroen van Meeuwen

Systems Architect, Kolab Systems AG

e: vanmeeuwen at kolabsys.com
m: +44 74 2516 3817
w: http://www.kolabsys.com

pgp: 9342 BF08

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