Special Folder Content Problem

Troy Carpenter troy at carpenter.cx
Thu Mar 8 20:31:13 CET 2012

I'm having an issue after a system restore.  It seems that for most users,
the special content folders (Contacts, Calendar, Journal, Notes, Tasks) are
not recognized in Horde for what they are.  For instance, instead of seeing
my calendar entries, I see the Calendar folder in the folder list.  When I
select it, I see the typical mail viewer screen with all the address items.
If I go into the address book and try to create a new one called "Contacts",
it errors and tells me the folder already exists.  The same is true for all
the other special folders. 

Is there any way from the server to change the content indicator to the
correct type for Horde to recognize these folders and use the data as
expected?   I've been through most of the Wiki, but I'm guessing I missed

I'm also concerned about the permissions on the all the mail folders because
Kontact is giving me various "NO" errors when I've tried to modify any given

Troy Carpenter

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