[Kolab-devel] Supercolliding a PHP array - DoS Attacks

ABBAS Alain alain.abbas at libertech.fr
Mon Jan 9 23:49:52 CET 2012

-----Message original-----
De: "ABBAS Alain" <alain.abbas at libertech.fr>
Envoyé: 9 janvier 2012 22:48:02 UTC
A: kolab-users at kolab.org
Cc: kolab-devel at kolab.org
Sujet : [Kolab-devel] Supercolliding a PHP array - DoS Attacks


There are a serious Dos Attack issue in PHP prior to 5.3.9

This attack is more than easy and serious. 
PHP 5.3.9 has a change to prevent this DoS attack. Microsoft's also has this issue which MS and made an
emergency patch available last week  to fix this.

see the links


oops typo 
does Kolab.org plan to give an update of php for this security issue? 


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