Kolab 3.0 on CentOS / Debian Wheezy

Torsten Grote grote at kolabsys.com
Mon Dec 3 10:45:04 CET 2012

On Friday 30 November 2012 11:55:25 Stefan Fröhlich wrote:
> So I decided to enter surname in 
> the given name field and the given name in the surname which provided 
> best results.

It looks like you are still affected by bug #1381 [1] which should get 
resolved soon.

I unfortunately don't know the answer to you other questions.


[1] https://issues.kolab.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1381

Torsten Grote, Kolab Evangelist

Kolab Systems AG, Zürich, Switzerland

e: grote at kolabsys.com
t: +41 43 501 66 91
w: http://kolabsys.com

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