Kolab2 v2.3.3 IOERROR file user_deny.db does not exist

ComCept Soliva soliva at comcept.ch
Tue Oct 4 16:50:11 CEST 2011

Hi Devel

I do not know if this was already recongized!? I recognized -if I'm right-
that after upgrade to 2.3.3 that there are many message about a file
user_deny.db not existing. The file is located in dir:


After some while googling arround I found for imap a bugzilla entry which
explains that this file is a new function but not yet implemented correctly
(if I understood all correct). The workaround is as following:

# touch /kolab/var/imapd/user_deny.db
# chown kolab-r:kolab-r /kolab/var/imapd/user_deny.db
# chmod 600 /kolab/var/imapd/user_deny.db

vi /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/imapd.conf.templates

Add following entry to the template:

userdeny_db:		flat

opa /kolab

kolabconf -n

openpkg rc all restart

After that the errors are gone but there are many log entries each time a
user access the account or dir structure!

Question: Did you recognize this behaviour?

Kind regards

Andrea Soliva

Mail: soliva at comcept.ch 

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