Successful upgrade from 2.2.3 to 2.3.1 but...

Skip Morse skipmorse at
Tue May 31 18:55:41 CEST 2011

Thanks, that worked!

I had actually submitted a bug about this, so I'll add a comment with
the below.  Do you (or anyone) know what other effects this change
might have?

It seems that has fixed this issue.

The only other issue might be the horde one.

I have since done some more testing and I do now see that there is a
scroll bar for the folder list that will allow me to see all of it.
So, it looks like if we need to, it will be usable.

I have noticed one other thing in horde that I *think* is not working
properly.  When you go to 'options' in the Mail properties, and then
Folder Sharing, there's now no drop down to select which folder to
share?  I'll check to see if there's an open bug for this, but any
feed back would be appreciated...


2011/5/28 - <hans_germa at>:
> Hi,
> I had the same problem.
> For me this seams to be a bug in the code.
> Check
>  /kolab/lib/php/Horde/Kolab/Filter/Incoming.php
>     foreach ($this->_recipients as $recipient) {
>         if (strpos($recipient, '+')) {
>             list($local, $rest) = explode('+', $recipient, 2);
>             list($rest, $domain) = explode('@', $recipient, 2);
> -->        $real_recipient = $local . '@' . $domain;
>         } else {
>             $real_recipient = $recipient;
>         }
>         $dn = $server->uidForIdOrMail($real_recipient);
>          if (is_a($dn, 'PEAR_Error')) {
>             return $dn;
>             }
>             if (!$dn) {
>             Horde::logMessage(sprintf('User %s does not exist!',
> $real_recipient),
>             __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
>             }
>             $user = $server->fetch($dn, KOLAB_OBJECT_USER);
> I changed it it to
>      $real_recipient = $rest . '@' . $domain;
> Give it a try.
> Hans
> ________________________________
> From: Skip Morse <skipmorse at>
> To: Kolab-User Mailinglist <kolab-users at>
> Sent: Fri, May 27, 2011 11:30:43 AM
> Subject: Re: Successful upgrade from 2.2.3 to 2.3.1 but...
> On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 10:30 AM, Skip Morse <skipmorse at> wrote:
>> So... this seems like it was pretty straight forward, this was just a
>> test run (in a test VM), but after one more practice, I'm thinking it
>> will probably take me about 30 minutes (if that) to do the production
>> upgrade (not counting the backup first).
>> Here are my concerns before i can really flip the switch.
>> First issue:
>> Part of our usage requires that we are able to have email delivered to
>> shared folders.  I've always had to use the workaround(s) found here:
>> Most recently, changing the line in to: query_filter =
>> (&(!(kolabDeleteFlag=*))(|(alias=%s)(mail=%s)))
>> The above line allows sending to a shared folder, but I didn't see any
>> updates on the wiki and it turns out that there's something wrong with
>> the 'receiving' to a shared folder.  All mails sent to the shared
>> folder are stuck in the postfix queue with a temporary failure, and I
>> can't tell from the postfix log why.  Just messages like this:
>> <info> postfix/pipe[16637]: D747BB1D7A:
>> to=<kolab+shared.scheduling at>, relay=kolabmailboxfilter,
>> delay=1.2, delays=0.05/0.06/0/1.1, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred
>> (temporary failure)
>> It's the same result if I send directly to
>> kolab+shared.blah at or if I send to the alias that's in the
>> 'vcard' in the address book entry.  There is one line in the wiki that
>> I don't quite understand, so maybe this is my answer if anyone has any
>> expansion on what this means:
>> 04/30/2010 - diegows: You have to give post permission to kolab user
>> in the shared folder too.
>> I do have 'anyone' with the 'post' permissions.  Maybe that is no longer
>> enough?
>> ** As a note, regular user to user mail seems to work fine
>> Second issue:
>> Is the web client limited to only the dynamic view now?  I don't hate
>> it, but I like the option.  While testing, I happened to log in as a
>> user with an outrages amount of top level folders.  This causes some
>> folders to not even be viewable and as far as I can tell, no way to
>> get to them.  I also couldn't find any settings in the per-user,
>> global options to select which layout, maybe i missed it?
>> Almost all of our users use Outlook and the Toltec connector, so it
>> isn't a huge problem for most.  But I would like to imagine that we'll
>> migrate most users to the webclient at some point and this may be a
>> deal-breaker...
>> Thoughts/Advice?
>> Any help is always appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> -Skip
> Not sure if this is the key to figuring out the delivery issue, but
> I'm getting this error which seems to be new in:
> /kolab/var/kolab-filter/log/filter.log
> The message:
> May 27 20:01:43 Kolab Filter (pid=19208) [error] [horde] Specify
> either the UID or a search result!; Code: 331 [pid 19208 on line 181
> of "/kolab/lib/php/Horde/Kolab/Server/Object.php"]
> I've looked in Object.php, but I can't really make sense of what needs
> to happen.  My guess is that this has something to do with the shared
> folder not having a UID like a normal user would have.
> I'm going to wait to do anything, but I'm think maybe a possible
> workaround would be to edit the ldap data so my shared folder has a
> uid?
> Okay... while writing the above, i looked into the ldap data for the
> shared folder entry, the fist dn line is:
> dn: cn=scheduling at,dc=domain,dc=com
> For normal users, I *think* the entry was changed using the
> kolab-cn2uid script.  But, this failed to change the shared folders
> (I'm just not sure if it should).
> Does anyone know if it would cause problems if, after running the
> above script, I manually changed the shared folder entries to look
> like the user's entries (dn:
> uid=scheduling at,dc=domain,dc=com)?
> Maybe a better approach if entries of type "kolabSharedFolder" are not
> supposed to have a uid, modify the Object.php to be aware of their
> existance?
> And back to you... :-)
> Thanks,
> -Skip
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