blank email (error 500 in horde) with big attachments

Xavier Brochard xavier at
Mon Mar 7 10:32:50 CET 2011

Thanks for the help. I was thinking about a memory problem but didn't know 
where to start. 
What really troubles me is that there is absolutely nothing regarding this 
error in Apache logs (even in debug mode).
While I'm experienced with Apache + Perl or cgi,  I have a very limited 
knowledge on Apache + PHP. In the template, I've found this, with Perl I 
would increase each value, should I?
max_execution_time = 120
; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds                                                                                           
max_input_time     = 60
; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data                                                                           
memory_limit       = 64M
; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume                                                                                               
post_max_size      = 8M
; Maximum amount of POST data accepted         
Currently, I've just double the allowed memory, and it work (we are starting 
to receive really big emails attachments since we are working with people in 
Paris who are using FiberOptic connexions).
Thanks again
Nikolaus Klumpp wrote:

> Xavier, probably there's some 500's in Apache's error log, as well. If
> Apache crashes, there's nothing to do for Cyrus. :-)
> Try to give PHP more memory (see template for php.ini). PHP (and thus
> Apache) crashes with big attachments, this might give you the symptoms
> you described.
> hth, Nick
> On 03/04/11 18:02, Xavier Brochard wrote:
>> Hello
>> Using Kolab 2.2.2, with Horde.
>> I recently got problems with some emails. It looks like that when total
>> attachments are too big (more than 6MB), imp can't display the email
>> (error 500). Trying to forward the email, ip let me send it, but then I
>> got the same 500 error as before.
>> I've found nothing in the logs. Except with imapd.log: normal email
>> display something in the log while problematic ones display nothing.
>> Any idea?
>> regards
>> xavier

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