Almost done a restore to kolab 2.3.1

Christian Tardif christian.tardif at
Wed Jun 15 06:09:05 CEST 2011

On 14/06/11 01:44 AM, Christian Tardif wrote:
> It's almost done....
> But I have some things I must understand:
> 1) How do I import Sieve Scripts?  I copied the whole /kolab/var/imapd
> but in the web interface, I don't see the scripts. So, the scripts are
> there, but I don't see them. And before going for good in 2.3.1, I need
> to be able to import my sieve scripts.

OK, now I'm live with Kolab 2.3.1

Still this problem with Sieve Scripts, though.  I'll try to explain.

When I go on the web interface. I go under Filters and I see "existing 
rules", but they don't seem to be real, as I still have some filtering 
that gets done. Mails coming to me gets moved in the right folders. But 
I don't see the scripts.

Now, on the top toolbar, I have an icon called Script. If I click on it, 
I don't see any script. But when I click on "Show Active Script", then I 
get all my script coming from my migration. But I can't make any 
changes, as I don't see them in the mail Filters window. So, as soon as 
I try to create a new script, I just lose everything in this Active Script.

Now, how can I get this Active Script back to Current Script so I can 
play with it again?



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