Mail not displaying in DIMP, was Re: Problems with Horde Interface after upgrade from 2.2.4 to 2.3.2

Mike Brady mike.brady at
Tue Jun 7 20:48:13 CEST 2011

Quoting Gavin McCullagh <gavin.mccullagh at>:

> Hi,
> On Tue, 07 Jun 2011, Gavin McCullagh wrote:
>> Is it just me or did anyone else notice that this email was blank when
>> looked at in DIMP on Kolab v2.3.2?
> Now that I look, this problem is exhibited for all emails in this thread,
> except for Mike Brady's, which displays fine.
> If I try to reply to the email, the prior email isn't quoted.  In its place
> is the word "null" which might give some clue as to the cause.

This may well be what I have been experiencing as well.  I rarely open  
a message in a separate window and did not think to try that.  I will  
bring the 2.3.2 system up tonight and will verify this.


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