Using/enabling S/MIME in Horde?

ITSEF Admin itsef-admin at
Tue Jun 7 14:10:10 CEST 2011

Hi all,

as my search in the archives came up empty, I'd like to ask whether anybody 
can give me a hint how I can enable S/MIME in Horde under Kolab.

We're running Kolab 2.2.3 (OpenPKG distro) under Debian 5.0. From the Horde 
documentation, I was able to figure out that S/MIME in Horde needs:
- the location of openssl in /kolab/var/kolab/www/client/imp/config/prefs.php 
(or better: in the template for prefs.local.php)
- the OpenSSL extension in PHP

I have added the following to

$conf['utils']['openssl_binary'] = '/usr/bin/openssl';

but that was not sufficient to enable S/MIME. Hence, I conclude that the 
OpenSSL extension is missing from the Kolab(-OpenPKG)-PHP - is that right?

If so, what can I do to change this and how can I thus enable S/MIME support 
in Horde?

Thanks in advance,

           Thomas Ribbrock, IT-Team brightsight

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