Problem with Horde on 3.2.1, even with smaller attachments

Skip Morse skipmorse at
Sat Jun 4 00:41:26 CEST 2011

Hi All...

Still sorting out some issues on the test system before moving forward
with the production system...

Currently I'm getting some weirdness when trying to view emails with
attachments.  Even some as large as 190K sometimes just seem to not
load in the preview and then if I click (or double click?) to open
them I get an error 500.

I've tried adjusting the memory settings in the php.ini file and I
thought that helped, but I guess not... currently I have it set to
256M for the amount allowed for php script, and increased some other
options per one of the suggests I found on the mailing list.  It still
seems to give me that same issue.  I thought it was a problem with
addressing it by IP, so I edited my hosts file so it would point to my
test system with the proper host name and that didn't help.

The lines below are from the php errors log.  I get a lot of the first
line, then after those it will be the last 2 lines.

[04-Jun-2011 00:26:35] PHP Warning:  register_shutdown_function() [<a
Invalid shutdown callback 'Array' passed in
/kolab/lib/php/Horde/Kolab/Storage/List.php on line 139
[04-Jun-2011 00:26:35] PHP Notice:  Unknown: SECURITY PROBLEM:
insecure server advertised AUTH=PLAIN (errflg=1) in Unknown on line 0
[04-Jun-2011 00:26:35] PHP Notice:  Unknown: Permission denied
(errflg=2) in Unknown on line 0

So, not sure if that is normal or not, any thoughts or places to look?


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