Horde Access Rights

Skip Morse skipmorse at gmail.com
Tue Jul 26 23:59:09 CEST 2011

2011/7/26 Johannes Kehrer <Johannes at kehrer.by>:
> Hello,
> I have a "native" installation of the Kolab server. Now, when I send an
> email from Horde, I get the error message, that the "Sent"-folder can not be
> created. Also I can not create a private address book.
> I think that only wrong access rights are set, or I have to add an user
> (Horde?) to a group.
> Can anyone give me some hints?
> Kind regards,
> Johannes Kehrer

I think you're on the right track with the access rights, I KNOW I've
had this happen before (Sent couldn't be created because the user
didn't have permissions or something like that)... Sorry i don't
remember what I was playing with to reproduce the error.  is this just
a newly created user?


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