LDAP Error: failed to modify kolab configuration object: No such object

Franz Skale i.bin at dah.am
Wed Jul 20 19:22:36 CEST 2011

Hash: SHA1

of course i am using the openpkg variant. (x86_64)
I use debian only as the OS.
Local mails don't get delivered (debians default config is bind the
mailer to localhost) if not symlinking.
Ideally, kolabs default config points to the localhost as a trusted IP.

So my setup works for years now and i am quite happy with the new
release. (Minor problems with bind method)
So most server's are multihomed, therefore in need the bind_any=false


Am 20.07.11 18:00, schrieb Gavin McCullagh:
> Hi,
> On Wed, 20 Jul 2011, Franz Skale wrote:
>> If you want the local smtp as well (system messages etc.), you MUST
>> configure kolab to use bind_any=FALSE.
> It depends on your needs, but if you need to provide a relay to your users,
> this may not be ideal. A default kolab setup will provide authenticated
> relaying, using kolab usernames and passwords. The default exim4 will not.
>> Other caveats i alredy described in some of my ohter posts.
>> To use the local mailer then, you have to symlink /usr/sbin/sendmail to
>> /kolab/sbin/sendmail.
> Indeed. Or use something like ssmtp or nullmailer pointed at localhost:25
> (kolab's postfix instance) as suggested elsewhere.
> I had missed the fact that you were using the debian packages. I'd say
> this is probably your main deviation from the path.
> Gavin
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