how does Bynari contribute to the Kolab community?

Hede kolab983 at
Wed Jul 13 12:10:17 CEST 2011

On Wed, 13 Jul 2011 10:38:43 +0100 Gavin McCullagh <gavin.mccullagh at> wrote:

> ... I'd like to feel like I'm paying toward the whole cake, and not
> just the icing.

Welcome to our modern World. Any modern Democracy and every other actual existing form of government is based on that fact. Live with it.

Take any of the products around you, your PC, Chair, Car, and maybe even those four walls around you: I'm pretty sure not even one tenth of the money you've spend is received by the people who developed or actually build all that stuff. Most of the money is received by people who can simply talk about things they don't understand, people who own rights, people who .... namely: people who think they are the one which did the _real_ hard work.

Sorry for my sarcasm, had a bad hair day today...

(In truth I still admire anyone who's able to call that into question and even does this. I'm not in such a position.)


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