Problem to connect to horde web interface with a user account,

Jennifer Botten jennifer at
Wed Jan 26 12:31:45 CET 2011

Hi Gunnar,

I experienced the same problem. I figured out if you do not connect to the
hostname ie, and your server name in your
/etc/hosts file is mail, then the password does not work. So make sure that
you connect to the correct host. Hope this helps.

Jennifer Botten

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-----Original Message-----
From: Gunnar Wrobel [mailto:wrobel at] 
Sent: 25 January 2011 04:52 PM
To: cyril-s; kolab-users at
Subject: Re: Problem to connect to horde web interface with a user account,

Hi Cyruil,

Zitat von cyril-s <cyril-s at>:

> Hello everybody,
>   I'm a brand new user of kolab. I have installed the last release of
> the kolab 2 server on a debian lenny via the openpkg, and the
> installation has worked perfectly. With the differents informations i
> have found on the net, i found the web-interface horde, and that's
> exactly what i wanted. I can connect to the admin interface of kolab
> with the manager login. I have created a test user, and i tried to
> connect to horde with this new user, but i can't, a login or password
> error is returned. I don't know if i have made mistakes creating a user,
> or if horde doesn't work well.

The basic login should work out of the box. Otherwise we wouldn't  
provide the software as is ;)

> Could you tell me how to create a new
> user, activate this user, and let me permit to log to horde.

Creating the user in the admin is the right thing to do. You should be  
able to log into Horde using the email address and the password  
afterwards. Can you check if you can login via another IMAP client  
using the same credentials as you tried with Horde?



> I have
> found some tutorials on the net, but i don't speak german. Thank you
> very much,
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