Horde login failed (2.2.4, openpkg, z-push-webclient)

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at kolabsys.com
Tue Jan 18 09:40:01 CET 2011

Zitat von Thorsten Schnebeck <thorsten.schnebeck at gmx.net>:

> Hi,
> Cause I want to try the lastest z-push I need a working Horde web  
> client. I use a master slave setup and on the slave everything is  
> working fine.
> But I installed the latest z-push RPM packages with new webclient  
> package only on the master.
> /kolab/bin/openpkg rpm -Uvh  
> kolab-webclient-1.2.0-20100625+activesync3.noarch-debian5.0-kolab.rpm
> But on the master I can't login. The login works fine when looking  
> at the imap log and the horde log but the redirection is brocken.  
> The browser falls back to
> http://client/login.php?url=%2Fclient%2Fdimp%2Findex.php&nosidebar=1&horde_logout_token=977799bfbe75b327c4718b5b74c794ee&app=
> So the redirected-URL misses the protocol (http vs https) and the  
> server (master.mydomain.tld).
> I have checked the usual suspects like cookie-domain, cookie-path,  
> /etc/hosts, Horde-tmp-dir data, horde.log, imap.log, php-errors.log  
> etc pp.

Sounds a bit like the webroot detection in config/registry.php might  
have problems. You could try to set the 'webroot' setting for  
$this->applications['horde'] to a fixed value that matches you  
install. Does this help?



> The only special setup of the server is that it has two public IPs  
> on its eth interface. But the hostname master.mydomain.tld is bound  
> on one IP and has also a reverse lookup.
> I don't know how I can debug the problems of redirect.php?
> The horde.org-wiki refers to a client/test.php that checks session  
> management but this file seems not to be part of kolabs Horde package.
> So I hope someone knows howto get more informations from the login system.
> As a debian user I am weak on RPM. How do I purge z-push webclient  
> and reinstall the original 2.2.4 one?
> Bye
>   Thorsten
> --
> dslc-082-083-045-123.pools.arcor-ip.net - - [09/Jan/2011:23:13:12  
> +0100] "GET /client/imp/login.php HTTP/1.1" 200 3460
> dslc-082-083-045-123.pools.arcor-ip.net - - [09/Jan/2011:23:13:25  
> +0100] "GET /client/ HTTP/1.1" 302 26
> dslc-082-083-045-123.pools.arcor-ip.net - - [09/Jan/2011:23:13:25  
> +0100] "GET /client/login.php HTTP/1.1" 302 26
> dslc-082-083-045-123.pools.arcor-ip.net - - [09/Jan/2011:23:13:26  
> +0100] "GET /client/imp/login.php HTTP/1.1" 200 3461
> dslc-082-083-045-123.pools.arcor-ip.net - - [09/Jan/2011:23:13:44  
> +0100] "POST /client/imp/redirect.php HTTP/1.1" 302 26
> dslc-082-083-045-123.pools.arcor-ip.net - - [09/Jan/2011:23:13:47  
> +0100] "GET /client/dimp/ HTTP/1.1" 302 -
> dslc-082-083-045-123.pools.arcor-ip.net - - [09/Jan/2011:23:14:47 +0100] "GET
> /client/login.php?url=%2Fclient%2Fdimp%2Findex.php&nosidebar=1&horde_logout_token=b3ba94ac744841deb4015faa2d674e3d&app= HTTP/1.1" 302  
> 26
> dslc-082-083-045-123.pools.arcor-ip.net - - [09/Jan/2011:23:14:47  
> +0100] "GET /client/imp/login.php?url=%2Fclient%2Fdimp%2Findex.php  
> HTTP/1.1" 200 3480
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Gunnar Wrobel
Developer, Kolab Systems AG

e: wrobel at kolabsys.com
t: +49 700 6245 0000
w: http://www.kolabsys.com

pgp: 9703 43BE

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