Clamav crashed again!

Alain Abbas alain.abbas at
Mon Feb 28 15:20:13 CET 2011

No you are not alone and all my Firewalls Endian were blocked too that 
is the 2nd time in  2 weeks

That is the kind of event are very bad for free software and ask the 
question of the stabilitty and compatiblilty.
I didnt find any explanation on the net of this clamav corruption and 
not the way to, to resolv definitively the issue


kiser Caesar a écrit :
> Helle here,
> I'm in Kolab 2.2.2 and I meet actualy a trouble with clamav..
> The update was received is corrupt, I tried to delete the daily.vcd + 
> freshclam but clamav don't want to restart...
> My only way was to restore a daily.vcd...
> I'm alone or it is a major trouble ?
> best regards,
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