Horde 4 News: Another intermediate Horde 4 release for Kolab-Server-2.2.4

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at horde.org
Fri Feb 25 14:30:21 CET 2011

Zitat von nick at netdome.biz:

>>> Can I "test" Horde4 Webclient parallel to Horde3?
>> Yes. The test installation of Horde 4 is supposed to be touching the
>> existing infrastructure on a Kolab server in minimal ways only.
> [..]
>> Still: it touches your system and there are no guarantees -> so no
>> productive system please! Or have at least decent backups ;) There is
>> also no upgrade path later.
> No upgrade path for that intermediate Horde 4 release or for the currently
> rolled-out Horde? :-)

Oh, sorry for being unclear here: There is just no upgrade path for  
the intermediate Horde 4 release. Of course an upgrade path for the  
migration from the current Horde 3 version will be provided.

Details for that have not been fleshed out at the moment.  How the  
upgrade from Horde 3 on the Kolab Server to a Horde 4 setup on the  
Kolab server will look like has not yet been decided. I hope to have  
discussions about this with different parties during CeBIT.

What I'm doing with the current release line is just the Horde side of  
things and not synced with the Kolab server development at all. I'm  
just trying to get people involved as early as possible - simply  
because I had to suffer the restrictions from coming late into the  
Horde 3 release cycle. Though I admit I'm not really worried about  
these problems in Horde 4 that much anymore as the internal structures  
have been cleaned up and the Horde team decided on a faster turnaround  
in the release cycles. And nowadays I also have a better picture on  
how to bridge the Kolab NoSQL world with the default Horde SQL setup.



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