Horde 4 News: Another intermediate Horde 4 release for Kolab-Server-2.2.4

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at horde.org
Thu Feb 24 22:44:28 CET 2011

Two days later than promised in the revised roadmap [1] there is  
finally an "intermediate" release of Horde 4 for Kolab ready. With  
"intermediate" being the euphemistic word for "while it contains the  
dynamic calender that one is still pretty broken".

To install the release on a Kolab-Server-2.2.4 system the following  
commands should suffice:

wget http://files.pardus.de/horde4-20110224.sh
sh horde4-20110224.sh

The usual warnings that went with the first Horde 4 release for Kolab  
[2] apply for this release as well: Do not consider doing this on a  
productive server. This is just an early preview. And if you want to  
be able to see anything useful in the added calendar application you  
should ensure the user you log in with already has a calendar folder  
and has some data in it.

The state visible in the calendar frontend does not do the changes  
that happened in the backend any justice. But it can't be helped at  
the moment: While the Kolab backend for Horde is now largely complete  
the connection to the various Horde applications still need to be  
adapted to the changes in the backend.

[1] http://log.pardus.de/2011/02/horde-4kolab-road-map-update.html
[2] http://log.pardus.de/2010/12/early-horde4-release-for-kolab-server.html

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Core Developer
The Horde Project

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