Horde Identities - Kolab Server v2.3.2-v2.3.4 ??

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at pardus.de
Mon Dec 5 22:13:05 CET 2011

Quoting Ricardo Ruggiero <rjrggr at gmail.com>:

> Just wondering if anyone has been able to successfully setup identities in
> Horde?
> On our production server, there are 2 domains. Some users have aliases in
> the second domain, and need to "send as" that alias user.
> Here is an example scenario:
> you have a user whose name is MIKE and email is:
> mike at domain1.com<user at domain1.com>
> MIKE also has an alias e-mail on the second domain:
> mike at domain2.com<user at domain2.com>
> The user can receive e-mails on either domain (mike at domain1.com OR
> mike at domain2.com).
> If you set identities under Kontact:
> identity1 = mike at domain1.com
> OR
> identity2 = mike at domain2.com) everything works properly.
> When MIKE sends an email, he can choose identity1 or identity2, and the
> recepient sees the e-mail in the from address, that corresponds that
> identity that he choose to send as.
> In Horde however, you can create the same identities but here is the issue,
> but no matter what, the from address is ALWAYS the defaul e-mail (not even
> identity) of that user. In this example, is always "mike at domain1.com"
> Does anyone have a clue on how to fix this issue?

Please see the reply I just sent to the request "Kolab 2.3.4: send  
from multiple domains in Horde"



> I thank everyone in advance.
> Ricardo Ruggiero

Core Developer
The Horde Project

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