Postfix acccess list not working in 2.2.3

Gelpi Andrea liste at
Sat Sep 25 13:29:27 CEST 2010

Gelpi Andrea ha scritto:
> HI,
> 	in a Kolab serber 2.2.3 I have a problem to whitelist a RBL list
> On this server i have domain1.tld
> in /kolab/etc/ I have
> smtpd_client_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, permit_sasl_authenticated,
>                          check_client_access hash:/kolab/etc/postfix/access,
>                          reject_rbl_client ...
> In /kolab/etc/postfix/access I have
> postmaster@	OK
> is the IP of a mail server where there is domain2.tld
> Now if I send a mail to postmaster at domain1.tld from postmaster at domain2.tld
> The message is refused because of the REJECT in access.
> I try the same with kolab 2.2.0 e 2.2.4 and it works as expected, the mail is received.
> Is ther someone who can check it please? If it is a problem of 2.2.3 release I'll upgrade to 2.2.4.
> ThankYou

Using Postfix debug I understand where the problem come from.

My kolab systems are multi domain, but not all domains are equal in postfix.
The first domain, the one you define during first startup, the one is in in mydomain, 
does not do client access check when you send a mail to special users like postmaster.
All other domains and all other user of first domain instead do.

The first check done by postfix is the IP address of clients.

So only first domain can receive mail for special users like postamster also from blaklist IP.

ing. Andrea Gelpi
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