Need help with kolab setup on Debian

Alain Abbas alain.abbas at
Wed Sep 22 23:26:07 CEST 2010

Helmut Pozimski a écrit :
> Am Dienstag 21 September 2010, 23:07:32 schrieb Helmut Pozimski:
>> Zitat von Alain Abbas <alain.abbas at>:
>>> Hello Helmut
>>> What do you mean by "EAS" ?
>> It's short for Exchange Active Sync.
> Btw, I got kolabconf working again by correcting wrong paths in some of the 
> templates. I removed all traces of z-push and related libraries from the 
> system and I am going to give it another try tomorrow. Is there any 
> information that could be helpful to get it working without the official rpm 
> packages?
for the moment no ,
There are some things that you must take care :
1) you must install Zpush in th epatched PHP/Apache of Kolab ( the next 
version we could use the backend outside that but for the moment no
2) Kolab Format must be updated
3) you could untar the 0.6.2 tgz all is in it for Zpush/backend
4) you must install the PEAR package for Zpush ( cheaped in the tgz)
Normaly there a a section in the wiki to install it withe the Tgz
you must verify (see the wiki ) if you have the good page with the 
requested Url

> Regards
> Helmut
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